One thing that every man or woman of faith has in common is that their lives will reflect the One on Whom they believe.  Because Jesus is the Living Word, then as we place our faith in Him, the Word becomes manifested in our mortal flesh, and folks begin to see Jesus in us.  The apostle Paul expressed it in an interesting way when he said that we are living letters from Christ which have been written, not with ink on paper or carved on tablets of stone, but written by the Spirit of God on the tables of our hearts (2 Corinthians 3:2, 3).  Even those who walked by faith under the old covenant witnessed the grace that God would bestow through His Son.  King David, the ancient King of Israel, was one such man.  His life in many ways reveals the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The prophet Ezekiel clearly revealed the connection between David and Christ when he foretold the coming of the Messiah, saying, "And David My servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one Shepherd: they shall also walk in My judgments, and observe My statutes, and do them…and My servant David shall be their Prince forever." (Ezekiel 37:24, 25b).  That Ezekiel was referring to Jesus is obvious considering that David had been dead about 500 years when these words were spoken.  Jesus is the King of kings Who was anointed by God to reign over His people forever.


There are many comparisons that we can draw between Jesus and David.  For instance:


  • David was a shepherd and risked his life for the sheep - Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who gave His life for His sheep.

  • David was least esteemed by his father and brethren - Jesus is the Stone that the builders rejected.

  • David brought bread to the army to feed his brothers - Jesus is the Bread of Life.

  • David was king of Israel - Jesus is the King of Kings.

  • David bruised the head of Goliath - Jesus bruised the head of Satan.

  • Saul hated David, and sought to kill him - the chief priests hated Jesus, and had Him crucified.

  • David supplied all that was necessary to build the temple of God - Jesus provided all that is needed to build His church, and said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


I especially love the story of David and Goliath.  It is an amazing picture of God's grace to His church.  David was sent by his father to bring bread and parched corn to his brothers who were part of Saul's army and were encamped against the Philistine army.  While David was there, he heard Goliath chiding the Israelites and defying the army of God, and he was stirred to faith and action.  It's curious to me that even though there was not one man in Israel who had the courage to face the giant, they still tried to discourage David from doing so.  First his own brother, Eliab, became angry with him, and accused him of pride in suggesting that he could fight Goliath.  Next, Saul, his king, tried to dissuade David.  He told David that he was not able to do this because of his youth and inexperience in fighting.  Finally, Goliath himself disdained David, and considered him no opponent at all.


Jesus, too, faced fierce opposition to what His Father had sent Him to do.  He came to His brethren the Israelites and saw how defeated they were as a people because of fear, hypocrisy, and unbelief.  He spoke of faith, and victory over sin and self, and his brethren rejected His message.  The leaders of the Jews also would not hear His words, but looked for ways to discourage Him, and finally destroy Him.  Satan resisted Jesus, too, and tried to defeat Him in the wilderness before He could complete the work of redemption. 


When he realized that David could not be dissuaded, Saul offered him his own armor, but it was of no value to David.  Carnal weapons cannot win spiritual battles.  Faith is the victory that overcomes all foes!  When David went out against Goliath, he defeated him with just a stone and a sling. 


Once the giant was slain, a number of things happened: the Philistines fled, Israel rose up, shouted, and pursued them.  The victory that David won over Goliath was a victory for all of Israel because of the terms of the battle which Goliath spelled out when he said, "Choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me.  If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall ye be our servants, and serve us." (1 Samuel 17:8b, 9).  Israel was unable to win this battle because of their fear and unbelief.  David won in their place.  Because he knew victory, they knew victory.


Jesus has won an even greater victory for us over sin, the flesh, and the Devil.  We could not fight this fight ourselves, but Jesus has fought it for us.  He has defeated Satan, and for this reason all his minions must flee.  It is time for us to realize that His victory is our victory.  We have great reason to shout!  It is time for us, not to cower in fear and unbelief from our enemies, but to rise up and pursue them until they are consumed!  This is not some theoretical victory.  Israel didn't settle on living in harmony with the Philistines after the giant was dead.  No, God had warned them that they would be a snare to them if they let them hang around.  The Philistines represent the sins of the flesh and worldly cares, and God demands that they be destroyed.  Israel never did utterly destroy them, so they became thorns in their sides according to Judges 2:1-3.  See Mark 4:18, 19 also.  We must not follow the same unfortunate example.  If the Son of God shall make you free, you shall be free indeed!  He has secured the ultimate victory for all those who truly believe.  Praise His name!


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