According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, the original meaning of the word “inspire” was “to breathe, or blow upon or into,” and, “to infuse life into by breathing.”  Before Jesus ascended to heaven after His death and resurrection, He appeared to His disciples and said to them, “Peace be unto you: as My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.”  Scripture says that He then breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.”  Also, when God created man, He breathed into Him the breath of life, and from that time on man could only survive as he continued to draw breath.  When Jesus breathed on the disciples that day, however, it was something more.  It was the infusing of the Holy Spirit into their lives; and just as it was necessary for them to breathe to sustain their life, it would now be necessary for them to draw life from Jesus through the Holy Spirit that He breathed into them. 


It is this breath of God, this inspiration of the Almighty; that is vital to the Christian life.  It places the Christian in a different dimension from those who have not been born again.  Others may be content to merely suck air, but the Christian survives on inspiration.  It’s what sets him apart and makes the work that he does for Christ effectual.  It’s this inspiration from God that also reveals God’s nature to the man/woman of God so that they can be changed into His image. 


In the 1st Book of the Chronicles, the 28th chapter, we read about King David of Israel passing on to his son Solomon the reins of the kingdom.  He knew that his days were numbered, and he wanted to prepare his son for this most difficult task of ruling the Kingdom of the Jews. 


David encouraged his son to “…know the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart, and a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek Him, He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake Him, He will cast thee off forever.” 


After this, David gave to Solomon the pattern for the building of the house of God.  This was not just something that some architects and engineers had drawn up - this was altogether unique.  David said that the Lord’s hand was upon him, and had inspired him to write down this pattern in every detail.  He furthermore instructed his son to follow the pattern to the letter and not deviate.  David knew how critical it was to follow the inspired pattern.  This was the only way that God would be honored by this great monument to His glory.  God didn’t want man’s ideas or influence in the building of His house – it had to be according to His plan only – man would only seek to glorify himself with his ideas and design, and not God.


Today, we have been given a pattern from which we must never deviate.  It is Jesus Christ Himself.  It is His likeness that we must adorn, not merely being conformed into it, but being transformed into it.  Christ must be the inspiration for everything that we do.  Contained in the pattern of His life is the plan for the building of His Church also.  This is the Church Universal, the Church of the Firstborn, the Church of Those Whose Names are Written in Heaven.  It is not a building; it is a people.  It is not a denomination or an organization; it is a living organism.  It is comprised of those who breathe the breath of Jesus Christ; who are learning to move and walk in the Spirit of God.  Its members are those who live for the inspiration of the Almighty and who desire to build their lives according to the pattern of the Son of God.  


"But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." (Job 32:8).


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