According to the Bible, sometime around 600 B.C. the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, had a dream. The problem was that, while he thought the dream might be significant, he couldn’t remember either the dream or what it might have meant. Having many “wise” men in his employ, Nebuchadnezzar called them together and demanded that they tell him what the dream was that he had dreamed, and the interpretation of that dream. After all, wasn’t that what he was paying these guys for? Oh, and as a little incentive, if they couldn’t come up with the dream, the king was going to have them cut in pieces. No pressure. The wise men naturally urged the king to reveal the dream to them and they would then gladly interpret it for him, but that was useless because the king truly had forgotten it. It seemed like a good test for his wise men also. He would be able to see which of these guys really were wise and which were not. ...