"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:13-16).
We often interpret this call to holiness as
a commandment: "You must be holy
because I am!" I see it as more of
an invitation to excellence, however. "Come, you are now able to be holy,
because I am holy!" It is because
Christ has overcome that we can be overcomers.
It is because Christ is risen from the dead that we can know resurrection
life. He is the reason why we can be
loving, patient, joyful, peaceful, gentle, wise, virtuous, kind, or
temperate. None of these things grow
naturally in us. We must be tapped into
the Vine, Jesus Christ, from where all of the life-giving nutrients necessary
to promote spiritual fruit in our lives come from.
I believe that the operative phrase in the
text quoted above is, "the grace that is to be brought unto you
at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Grace is, of course, the unmerited favor
of God toward man. It is the blotting
out of past sins. It is the
justification of sinners and their reconciliation to God. Yes, it is all these things; but, it is also
the ability of God to transform our very nature and change us into His likeness. It is the power to realize the very thing
that God has called us for: to become fully mature sons and daughters of God. He is preparing us to inhabit eternity,
Beloved. He is going to create a new
heaven and a new earth for us after the old ones are destroyed. Does it seem reasonable that He would populate
that brave new world with those who are still slaves to their sins, and who
would only corrupt that perfect place like they have corrupted this one? Christ came not just to provide the atonement
for our sins, but deliverance from them altogether. God must have a holy people! Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his book The Cost of Discipleship, calls it
"cheap grace" that does not bring a man into obedience to God's
righteousness. He says, "Cheap
grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without
Jesus Christ, living and incarnate."
How is this life-changing grace brought to
us? By the revelation of Jesus Christ! As God reveals to us the nature of His Son,
then we see the areas of our life that are unlike Him. Our response is to repent (agree with God, acknowledge
our sin, and turn away from it), and then trust God to transform us through the
power of the risen Lord. One of the
clearest indicators that we are not trusting God is if there is sin in our life. This is because faith is the victory that
overcomes the world. If we are unable to
let go of our sin, it is because we do not believe that Christ has made us more
than conquerors in this world and are unwilling to die to our own selfish
So, our text tells us to "gird up the loins of your mind,"
or as the NIV says, "Prepare your
minds for action." This is a
very descriptive phrase that refers to the long robes that people wore in the
Middle East and Asia. When they prepared
to run, to do some task, or to fight, they would tuck the bottom of their robes
into their belts to free their legs up so as not to be hindered in their
movement. This is the mindset that we
must arm ourselves with. We must not let
the wrong type of thinking hinder our progress in Christ. Along the same lines we must also "be sober, and hope to the end."
Our text goes on to say, "as obedient children, not fashioning
yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance." This is obviously a call for a change in
our behavior. We are to become obedient to
this revelation of Jesus Christ and not conform ourselves to the things that
once brought us shame before God. This
is where we must learn to die to our self and choose God’s will over our
own. We can now be a holy people because
He that has called us is holy. Because
all fullness dwells in Christ, we can now be fulfilled and complete in Him (Colossians
2:6-10). Praise the Lord!
down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy. Preserve
my soul; for I am holy: O Thou my God, save Thy servant that trusteth
in Thee. Be merciful unto me, O Lord:
for I cry unto Thee daily." (Psalm 86:1-3).
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