Behold, I saw a gathering of beings who were playing together, laughing, dancing and learning to walk and talk together.  As time passed, each one grew into an advanced form, still the same basic form as before, yet more mature.  As they met together and talked together, they each began to grow, in stature and in brightness.  From a baby state to an adult state, they changed.  Always there was a Presence Who lingered over them.


As time went on, even the form they each showed began to change and at different rates of change.  Some became brighter, some stronger, larger and more powerful.  Each took on a glow as if they were lit from within.  Sometimes it was as if they each, severally and separately, went through a dark time, a time of clouds and darkness.  Some occasionally would revert to the form they had previously.  Yet, as they met with the others around them, they would once again become changed, moving into the heights and depths they had attained before as the clouds vanished, and the sky cleared once again.


I could see that some of them began to fly.  Some became more and more transparent until all that could be seen was as if they had become pure gold.  They mingled among all of those around them, and touched each one with their light, and they, too, began to be changed like to those whose visage was gold.  There was a joy among them, and singing, great, swelling sounds of joy that defied description, a sound I had never heard before.  And the great Presence was ever over them.


As the days went by, some of those who had been gold became as it were diamonds, rubies, opals, garnets, emeralds, great jewels of every kind showing in the midst of the light of the gold.  Even when clouds of fog and darkness, yes, even times of fire would overshadow them, yet they continued to glow as if lit from within. 


They grew more and more powerful; they rose above the earth and yet filled the earth.  Less and less did they return to any previous form they had shown, but became a steady and lastingly sure being of light and joy and power.  And then, behold, the very One Who had caused the light to grow, Who had begun the changes in each of them, was seen within them.  It was as if they had become a reflection of His joy, His glory, His beauty, His light, His life.


Then I awoke.


Editor’s note: The Lord sometimes uses a dear sister in the Lord that I know in dreams.  She recently shared the above dream with me as we were talking.  She said that when she awoke from the dream, she was inspired to get up immediately and record what she had seen.  She said that as she sat down to write, the words came to her as if they were not hers at all, and, indeed they are not!  As I read them, I burst into tears, knowing that this was a gift from God to His Body, His Church.  As we talked about it afterwards, the same verses came to our minds at the same time.  We knew beyond doubt that it was the Lord speaking.  Those verses read, “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon His name.  And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.  Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not.” (Malachi 3:16-18).


I have had a burden for God’s people lately.  I have been given a little glimpse of what I believe God wants to do in and through His Body, but I see the enemy, Satan, standing before the throne of God to resist the work that the Lord wants to do in them (see Zechariah 3:1).  It is easy for God’s people to get discouraged, complacent, and despondent because of Satan’s lies and accusations; and because of the trials, temptations and snares that he places in their paths.  The Church needs to have a clear vision of the Lord’s purpose for them in these last days.  That purpose is for those who really fear the Lord and reverence His Word to rise up boldly, assemble together, and speak to one another the Words of life.  As they do, they are going to grow in love for one another, and together they will grow and mature spiritually, taking on the character of the One Who has called them and saved them from destruction.  “But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” (Hebrews 3:13).  As iron is sharpened by iron, so are God’s people sharpened spiritually by the intimate fellowship of other believers.  Those who love the Lord should have a hunger and thirst to fellowship with others who also love Him.  This type of fellowship is not achieved by just listening to a sermon once a week, but by handfuls of God’s people meeting together privately and sharing what God is doing in their personal lives.  Where this is happening, the Lord Himself is truly in the midst!  This is why the early Church met from house to house (see Acts 2:46, 47; Matthew 18:20).


In the dream, the beings would sometimes go through times of clouds and darkness, and some would even lose ground temporarily, but as they continued to meet and encourage one another, the clouds would pass and they would once again attain the heights that they had known before.


We, too, often face storms in our lives that can drag us down, but there is always a child of God who is ready with an uplifting word if we will seek them out.  The enemy likes to isolate God’s children and keep them from the words of hope and faith that will give them victory over the devil’s lies. 


As the beings grew, they took on the form of the One Who had been with them all along.  His likeness was seen in them, and they reflected His glory just like pure gold and precious gems reflect the light that shines on them.


In light of this dream, I encourage every child of God who loves and reverences Him to meet often with other true believers.  They can be identified by the hunger they have to talk about God, the thirst they have to share what the Lord is doing in their lives, and the desire they have to hear what He is doing in yours.  Those who are such are the true Body of Christ.  They don’t need a label to identify who they are, their spirit and their lives broadcast it to all those they encounter.  We need one another.  Satan knows it, and this is why he works so hard to plant discord, division, and strife among God’s children.  Do not become his helper in this.  Endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.


I thank God for this dream.  It is a precious gift that God has given to encourage and direct our labors.  Glory to God Almighty for His faithfulness, love and mercy!  Amen.


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