The scribes and the Pharisees of Jesus day were very strict keepers of the Law.  They prided themselves in their adherence to the commandments and the precepts, and even their name implied that they were the “chosen ones.”  Josephus, a Jewish historian of the time, describes them as “a body of Jews who profess to be more religious than the rest, and to explain the laws more precisely.” 

On a certain Sabbath day, Jesus entered into a synagogue and taught the Word of God.  There were Scribes and Pharisees present who were watching Him very closely to see if He would heal anyone on the Sabbath, for they interpreted this as “work,” which was prohibited by the Law on a Sabbath.  They were seeking to find some accusation against Jesus so that they might defame Him and His teachings.

In this crowd was a man with a paralyzed (or withered) hand.  This man was unable to work, or do many normal tasks because of his condition; but he was there to hear the Messiah.  He may have even had some expectation that he might receive a healing as well. 

Consider the contrast.  Here were a group of men who were very learned in the Word, and knew all the prophecies concerning the Messiah, but whose only thought was to accuse Jesus and ultimately put Him to death.  These “religious” men were completely useless to God because they had substituted hypocrisy for a true relationship with God.  On the other hand, here was a man who seemed to be useless because of his handicap, but, in truth, had chosen the most important thing that any of us could ever choose: to sit at Jesus feet and hear His Word. 

Jesus knew what was in the hearts of these lawyers, but He would not be intimidated from doing His Father's will.  He called the man with the withered hand out of the crowd and told him to, “Rise up, and stand forth in the midst.”  The man did as he was told.  Then Jesus said to them all, “I will ask you one thing; is it lawful on the Sabbath days to do good, or to do evil?  To save life, or to destroy it?”  Then looking around at them with an angry stare, He said to the man, “Stretch forth thy hand.”  Although this man had been unable to use this hand at all, at Jesus word it was restored to wholeness, and he stretched it out.

Most of us are paralyzed in areas of our lives as well.  We are crippled by our own feelings of inadequacy, or by our doubts and fears, or perhaps by an actual affliction that makes us feel unworthy or un-useable.  The important thing, however, is that we choose to come to the Master, hear what He is speaking to us, and make the decision to respond to Him.  When we do, the Lord is able to heal our weaknesses so that we can be useful to Him in reaching out to others.  He has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty in their own eyes.  He says that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  By faith in what He tells us to do day by day, we grow in our knowledge of Him, and also in our usefulness to Him.        

There are those Christians, however, who are suffering the same affliction as the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus day.  They trust that mere knowledge of the Bible, or position in the church, guarantees them an entrance into heaven.  They have substituted a “religiosity,” and a “churchianity,” for a true relationship with God.  They are very judgmental of anyone who is too excited about their faith and desirous to share the things that Jesus is showing them.    They don’t want anyone “rocking their boat” and shining a light on their darkened and un-useable state. 

Please do not ever exchange religion or church membership for a true relationship with Jesus Christ.  Instead, be healed!  Stretch forth your hand in areas where He directs you – even if you have never been able to stretch forth your hand before.  Don’t let your fears or your inhibitions cripple you – trust Him for the words to encourage another, or faith to pray a prayer of hope over one who is hurting.  Seek to do good in your life, and not evil.  Seek to bring salvation to the lost, not destruction.  Let the love of Jesus fill your heart and mind and you will then become His hands, and His feet, and His mouth to this lost and dying world.

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.  But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit."  (1 Corinthians 2:9, 10a).


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