
Showing posts from January, 2015


There are few things that are as frightening, and, at the same time, as thrilling as a forest or prairie fire.  It can spread very rapidly, doubling its size every minute - some say 30 seconds - depending on the intensity, wind speed, and fuel source.  Once it starts to spread, it can be very difficult to contain without adequate equipment and manpower.   Once, when I was quite young, I had a firsthand encounter with a large fire.  Two friends and I started a small campfire on a slope in a small forest in our town.  The slope was covered with dry leaves which we used to start the fire.  Before long, we had quite a blaze going, and were very proud of our work; but then the fire began to spread up the hill because we had neglected to clear a wide enough area around it.  We were very foolish to build a fire on a hill in the first place; but then not to clear the site was just asking for trouble.  In seconds the whole hillside was engulfed in fire...


The story of the prophet Samuel's mother, Hannah, is one which reveals much about Christ and the true nature of grace.   The story begins in the first chapters of 1 Samuel.   There we are introduced to Elkanah and his two wives Hannah (whose name means "grace") and Peninnah (whose name means "jewel," or "precious stone").   Peninnah had several children with her husband, but Hannah had none.   As important as child-bearing was in those days, this created an adversarial atmosphere between the two wives.   Hannah felt badly that she could not have children of her own and share that special bond with her husband, and Peninnah used the situation to provoke Hannah and make her feel even worse.   During this time, the tabernacle of God was in a place called Shiloh, and Elkanah and his family would go up there to worship and offer sacrifices to God yearly.   While they were there, Hannah was in bitterness of spirit over her lot, and she wept before the L...


The story of Samuel the prophet is an amazing one, and it holds many treasures of wisdom that we can learn from today.  This man was the direct product of his mother's faith, and of God's promise.  His mother, Hannah, was barren and prayed to God for a son.  In exchange for this son, Hannah vowed to "lend" him in service to the Lord for all of his life.  In fulfillment of this vow, she presented Samuel to Eli the priest to be taught and raised in the tabernacle at Shiloh right after he was weaned.  According to Jewish tradition, this may have been between the ages of 18 months and 5 years.    Besides being lent to the Lord for life, scripture says that Samuel "ministered unto the Lord before Eli," and that he was in "favor with the Lord, and also with men" (1 Samuel 3:1 and 2:26).  These same three qualities should be found in every true child of God:    ·          First, they should cons...