One thing that every man or woman of faith has in common is that their lives in many ways will reflect the One on Whom they believe. Because Jesus is the Living Word, then as we place our faith in Him, the Word becomes manifested in our mortal flesh, and folks begin to see Jesus in us. The apostle Paul expressed it in an interesting way when he said that we are living letters from Christ which have been written, not with ink on paper or carved on tablets of stone, but written by the Spirit of God on the tables of our hearts. (2 Corinthians 3:2,3). Even those who walked by faith under the old covenant witnessed of the grace that God would bestow through His Son. King David, the ancient King of Israel, was one such man. His life in many ways reveals the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophet Ezekiel clearly revealed the connection between David and Christ when he foretold the coming of the Messiah, saying, " And David My servant shall be...