"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." (Proverbs 29:18). "And the word of the Lord was precious [valuable, prized, and rare] in those days: there was no open vision ." (1 Samuel 3:1). It is important that we, the people of God, maintain a clear vision of God’s will and of His plan for us. Without it we are like the blind, groping along the wall, and trying to feel our way through the issues of life. Without a clear vision, we find it difficult to discern the will of God in our personal lives, and we often find ourselves stumbling in our efforts to please Him. The type of vision that Solomon is referring to in Proverbs is not just the seeing of the eyes. It is a revelation of the prophetic word, a divine communication, and clearness of sight when we walk through dark places. In the first book of Samuel, we read of a time when the people of God had lost their vision. From the beginning, God had g...