
Showing posts from July, 2023


We are living in extremely perilous times.   Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear can recognize that America is in serious civil and moral decline.   The foundation of faith, family, and freedom that for so long has been the bedrock of this nation has little by little been eroding until today we find ourselves in a very precarious position.   America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, are beginning to join forces against us to bring about our destruction.   The jackals are at the door.   China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, ISIS, the Taliban, and many others are all a threat to us from the outside.   Those forces with in our nation that promote anarchy, lawlessness, socialism, and racial conflict are also working to undermine the truths that America has long stood for.   Those truths have always been self-evident to us, but they are being challenged, ridiculed, and denied by an ever increasing number of people.   Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, those things that we c