
Showing posts from March, 2021


“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready .” (Revelation 19:7).  “And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said, The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come .” (Matthew 22:1-3). Scripture has much to say about the Bride of Christ and the Marriage of the Lamb.   It also gives us a clear indication of just who this Bride is, and what qualifies her for this highly favored calling.   The king in the parable quoted above is God almighty, and His Son, the groom, is the Lord Jesus Christ.   The wedding guests are those who are called to be heirs of salvation - the Church.   The bride is not mentioned directly in this parable, but her presence is assumed because it is a wedding feast.   She is separate from the gue...


  Jeremiah was a Jewish prophet who lived around 600 years before Christ.   He is credited with writing two books of the Bible: Jeremiah and Lamentations.   He is referred to by many as “the weeping prophet” because of the difficult judgments that he spoke against his nation, and the burden of grief that he carried for them.   During his ministry, God sent Jeremiah to the leaders of Judah to tell them that the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, was coming against them to make war, and would defeat them in battle.   As a result, many of them would be carried into captivity and dispersed among the cities of Babylon.   All of this would happen because the Jews were no longer listening to God, but had, instead, turned to worshipping idols.   Jeremiah told them that God was bringing judgment on them and that they were not to resist Nebuchadnezzar or they would be resisting God.   The priests and so-called prophets of the time were outraged and rejected...