In Jesus' day, there was a pool in Jerusalem which in Aramaic was called Bethesda, meaning "house of mercy." Once in a while, an angel would enter the pool and stir the waters up so that they visibly moved. It was discovered that anyone who could be the first to enter the pool after the water was stirred would be healed of whatever was afflicting them. For this reason there was always a large number of people who were blind, sick, crippled, etc. who would wait all around the pool for their chance to be healed. A story like this may seem strange to us today. Many modern Christians and theologians would rather dismiss what they don't understand than to believe the witness of God's Word. Even several of the more popular modern Bible translations have removed the text of John 5:4 from their editions, choosing to skip verse four altogether and go directly to verse five from verse three! I say, let God be true and every man a ...