The thing that distinguishes the God of the Bible from every other so-called god that this world has worshipped over the course of time is: He speaks. St. John writes in his Gospel, chapter one, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” From the time of the creation of our world, when He uttered the words, “Let there be light,” even until now, He has delighted in speaking to man. It was not just a one-sided conversation that He desired, however. He came down into the Garden of Eden seeking man so that He could walk and talk with him, and find fellowship with him. The most significant thing about speech is that it reveals the nature of the speaker. We can make any number of judgments about a person if they never open their mouth; but once they begin to speak to us, it reveals something of themselves. Their personality, their beliefs, their likes and dislikes: they all begin to take shape ...