At a certain point in Jesus’ earthly ministry, He began to show His disciples the truth concerning His Passion. He told them plainly that He was to suffer at the hands of the elders and chief priests, and that He would be killed by them; but, after three days, He would be raised from the dead. This was, indeed, a difficult concept to comprehend. It was hard to wrap one’s mind around. After all, Jesus was the mighty Son of God, the promised Messiah, and the Prince of Peace. How could they kill Him? Hadn’t He come to establish God’s heavenly Kingdom on earth and reign forever? Peter was especially affected by this revelation, and, acting as a friend and one who loved Jesus, he began to rebuke his Lord saying, “Be it far from Thee, Lord: this shall not be unto Thee.” (Matthew 16:22). I’m sure that Peter’s whole intent was to comfort His Lord, and encourage Him that He would overcome these difficulties, and go on to be the King of Israel – was...