Just before Jesus was ascended to His Father, He told His disciples to tarry in the city of Jerusalem until they were filled with power by the Holy Ghost. The purpose of this outpouring of the Spirit, among other things, was that they might have power to become His witnesses. On the day of Pentecost, the Jewish feast that marked the completion of the wheat harvest, as the Apostles and other disciples were gathered together in one place, there was suddenly the sound of a rushing, mighty wind. It filled the place, and tongues of fire lit on everyone’s head as they all began speaking in languages that they did not know as the Spirit filled them. Thus was fulfilled the words of Jesus that they would take His Words to the world. Starting at that moment, and continuing until this very day, the Word was spread by His disciples. Beginning in Jerusalem , and spreading to the uttermost parts of the earth, they took the gospel message to those ...