"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24). There is a well-known praise chorus that uses the words of Psalm 118 quoted above. I have been reminded of this chorus on beautiful, sun-shiny mornings when it has seemed that all was right with the world, but I have never thought of it until recently in regards to the days when things just seem to fall apart. These words are usually the last thing on my mind when I wake up late for an appointment, spill milk all over the counter and floor, and run out to my car and find it won't start. As my wife recently quipped, it's then that a day is like a thousand years with the Lord! Oddly enough, though, this 118th Psalm isn't about the apparent blessings of life at all. It is about the struggles and how God is ever faithful to bring His servants through them. Listen to some of David's words in this Psalm. They are not words o...