How Is It That You Sought Me?
" A nd he said to them, How is it that ye sought Me? knew ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?" (Luke 2:49) Joseph and Jesus' mother had gone up to Jerusalem to the feast of the Passover and taken Jesus, who was then 12 years old, with them. After the feast days, they headed back toward their hometown of Nazareth with all of their other relatives. After traveling a day's journey, they realized that Jesus was not with the group, as they had supposed. They hurried back to Jerusalem to search for Him, and after three days they found Him in the temple listening to the doctors of the law, and asking them questions. Mary, of course, began to scold Him, but Jesus reply was very simple and innocent, "How is it that ye sought Me? knew ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?" First of all, Jesus words reveal that He was amazed that they were seeking Him at all . You see, He hadn't left them - they had left Him. Jesus was right where He...